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NATURAL HAIR CARE RECIPES  > Herbs used for healthy hair

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Here are links to all the ingredients on this recipe page from our trusted seller Mountain Rose Herbs
Oak bark
Cherry Bark
Dock Root
Elder Bark
Bay leaves
black walnut hulls
chamomile flowers
rhubarb root
mullein flowers
Goldenrod Powder
Madder Root
Alder Bark
burdock root
quassia bark
Natural Hair Care Recipes  member of the NB* community
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Natural Hair Recipes
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Herbs for Dry Hair: Burdock root, comfrey, elderflowers, Lavender , marsh mallow, parsley, sage, stinging nettle.

Herbs for Damaged Hair: sage, rose, calendula, chamomile, burdock, thyme, rosemary

Herbs for Oily Hair: Calendula, horsetail, lemon juice, lemon balm, lemongrass, lavender, mints, rosemary, southernwood, witch hazel and yarrow.

Herbs to Prevent and Treat Dandruff: burdock root, chamomile, garlic and onion bulbs (powerful but unpleasantly scented), goosegrass, parsley, rosemary, southernwood, stinging nettle and thyme.

Herbs that Soothe the Scalp: Catmint (leaves and flowering tops), chamomile, comfrey, lavender, thyme, Yarrow
Herbs used in hair care ...............................................................................................
We've compiled a list of herbs and flowers that are great to maintain the health of your hair and scalp. Use these herbs to create "teas" for hair rinses and to add to your homemade shampoo and conditioners. Scroll down for directions on how to make a herbal infusion and how to incorporate into your hair care recipes.
How to use Herbs in all Natural Hair Care Products
When using herbs for homemade hair products, you'll want to make a "tea". This can be done several ways. You can make an Herbal-Infusion, herbal rinse or tea which can be added to your hair recipes or used alone. Some let the mixture sit for hours, some sit for days. The longer you allow an infusion to stand, the stronger it will be.
How to make an Oil Herbal Infusion:
Mostly used for scalp massages or added to conditioners.
Take one half cup oil (carrier oil of choice) and add a small handful or the herbs. Add those to a glass jar. Fill a pan with water, so it reaches the neck of the jar. Simmer for 3 hours. Allow to cool. Drain thru a small strainer to remove herbs. Store in a dark glass bottle. Depending on the carrier oil used, some have a long shelf life. Check the carrier oil's profile to be sure.
To use an Oil Herbal Infusion
  • Take 1 half teaspoon and massage into the scalp
  • Or add to your homemade conditioner recipe. And you can also add this directly to your store bought shampoo.
  • Use as a hot oil treatment.
How to make a Herbal Infusion: Mostly used for hair rinses, added to shampoos and conditioners
Method 1.
Place herbs in a glass container. Pour 2 cups boiled water over the herbs to cover. Cover glass container with a tight fitting lid or a saucer to keep steam from escaping. Allow to cool then strain the herbs.
To use an Herbal Infusion
  • Use as a final hair rinse after shampooing and conditioning.
  • Can be added to homemade shampoo
Basil: cleanse and tone scalp

Burdock Root: great for thinning hair, dry, irritated scalp, dandruff, and seborrhea

Calendula: conditions, reduces oil, anti-inflammatory

Catnip: Promotes healthy hair growth

Chamomile: a healing and soothing herb to soften hair, soothe the scalp, lighten, condition, and stimulate growth

Horsetail: Helps brittle hair due to its high silica content, rich in minerals, stimulate growth

Lavender: useful for all hair types it stimulates hair growth, and degreases oilproduction, balancing

Marigold: lightens hair color
Method 2.
1.) Place about 1/2 -1 cup roots, herbs or flowers in a teabag or tea ball before adding to 4 to 3 cups water.

2.) Simmer or steep in water for 20 minutes. Allow to cool. Drain herbs.

3.) Apply as a final rinse, AFTER shampoo and conditioner.

For a stronger tea, place herbs in a glass jar. Pour boiling water over herbs,cover and let sit for anywhere between 24 hours to a week.
Herbs for Fine Hair: chamomile, clary sage, rose, lime blossom, birch

Herbs for Curly Hair: lemon, burdock, lavender

Herbs to Provide Luster and Body for Thin Hair: Calendula, goosergrass, horsetail, Licorice, lime flowers, nasturtium, parsley, rosemary, sage, southernwood, stinging nettles and watercress.

Herbs for Hair Shine: Horsetail, Parsley, Nettles, Rosemary, Sage, Calendula

Herbs for Hair Growth: Aloe, Arnica, Birch, Burdock, Catmint, catnip, Chamomile, Horsetail, Licorice, Marigold, Nettles, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Southernwood and Stinging nettle

Herbs for Thinning Hair: Burdock, Catnip, Nettle, Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Saw Palmetto, Thyme, Yucca

Herbs to Color your Hair Naturally: See Herbs for Coloring Hair
Nettle: conditions, improves color and texture, helps with dandruff, irritated scalp, and dry scalp, contains nutrients for hair growth, rich in minerals, softens hair

Parsley: enriches hair color and gives a nice luster

Plantain: great for dry, irritated scalp, dandruff, and seborrhea

Peppermint: stimulates the scalp

Rosemary: excellent for all hair types and problems it acts as a tonic and conditioner, one of the best herbs to use, gives luster and body, stimulates growth, helps with dandruff, and brings out dark highlights in the hair

Sage: traditionally used to restore color to graying hair, excellent for weak hair. gives hair shine

Saw Palmetto: good for hair thinning and hair loss

Thyme: good for oily hair, dandruff, and mild hair loss, stimulates hair growth

Witch Hazel: leaves and bark are astringent and cleanse oily hair

Yarrow: for oily hair, used to stimulate and tone, astringent effect)

Yucca: Navajos swear by yucca root to prevent hair loss and to cure dandruff
Herbs for healthy hair: Herbs to grow hair faster, cure dandruff and scalp conditions